Green Mayor
Get Value to your Idea
- 1st Player on the market for Eco Advertising®’s sale and promotion
- 1st Box Mover for the installation of Eco Smart Box®
- 1st Eco Community Manager in Italy for Eco-Sustainability campaigns
A Green Idea: that funds itself with Advertising
Green Mayor is a startup on the Italian scene in the Circular Economy, created with the aim of increasing the recycling of plastic bottles and other types of packaging. The Company, which has been on the market since 2015, has developed an alternative system aimed at encouraging the collection of Plastic by citizens, through innovative communication tools and through the installation and management of Eco Compactors near high-traffic areas . The aim of the project is to induce people to adopt more sustainable behaviours for an environmental and social reason.
The new project conceived and launched on the market by Green Mayor stems from a specific awareness: Italy is the first country in Europe, as well as one of the first countries in the world, for consumption of bottled water and, therefore, of plastic . With this assumption, the Company relied on WeInvest and Finance Atena for the launch of the "Recycling that funds itself with Advertising" project and its consequent search for investors.
The Context
The most Circular Sectors
Circularity and sustainability must be integrated into all stages of the value chain to achieve a fully circular economy: from design to production, up to the consumer. The European Commission's action plan has established seven key areas, essential for achieving a circular economy. These are::
- Plastic
- Textile
- Food & Water
- Packing
- Batteries and Vehicles
- Buildings and Constructions
To date, among the most circular sectors, we find:
- Agri-Food, subjects within the agri-food chain that impact circularity through the reduction of food waste and the reduction and identification of alternative packaging;
- Construction, subjects within the construction and demolition chain that generate circularity through the recovery of materials;
- Textiles, subjects within the textile-clothing chain which, through the facilitation of recycling and reuse, promote the circular economy;
- GDO and GDS, subjects within the distribution chains and in the management and/or production of packaging that allow for a greater green impact through the reduction of plastic waste and the replacement of this material for the creation of packaging for trade.
The Regulatory framework
In line with the EU's goal of climate neutrality by 2050 under the Green Deal, in March 2020 the European Commission proposed a new action plan for the circular economy. This plan focuses on waste prevention and optimal waste management, and also promotes the EU's growth, competitiveness and global leadership in the sector.
The transition to sustainable products
To achieve a European market for sustainable, climate-neutral and resource-efficient products, the Commission has proposed an extension of the Directive to include non-energy-related products into the environmentally friendly project. The new rules enter into force by 2021.
Deputies of the commission also approved initiatives to fight planned obsolescence, improve the life and repairability of products and strengthen consumer rights with the "right to repair". Furthermore, the importance of consumers' right to be correctly informed about the environmental impact of the products and services they buy was underlined and the Commission was requested to prepare proposals to fight the unfair practice of "greenwashing" (i.e. the false sustainability policy of a company).
Drivers of the Circular Economy
The main drivers that allow the growth and improvement of Circular Economy practices are:
The Technological Lever
Technology is becoming a key factor in the transition to a circular economy. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI), digital platforms and cloud-based solutions have largely eliminated the need for physical resources, helping to dematerialise entire supply chains. The continued penetration of digital into production and logistics improves the traceability of resource and product flows and can help optimise the use of products throughout their life, including through predictive maintenance solutions. Increased visibility not only promotes better control over potential waste creation, but also creates greater accountability for companies along the supply chain. At the same time, advances in new chemicals and new catalysts make it possible to produce materials of biological origin that can replace fossil alternatives.
The Political Lever
There are other levers to promote structural change and they have begun to emerge forcefully. The first is the political one. At the end of April 2021, the European Parliament definitively approved the agreement with the EU member countries on Life, the climate and environmental program which provides for the investment of 5.4 billion euros in projects for the transition to a green, circular, energy-efficient and low-emissions economy, as well as to protect and improve the quality of the environment and reverse biodiversity loss.
Business Idea
Create a new Italian Eco Community for recycling and to promote Eco-sustainability campaigns, by producers towards consumers and Public Administration towards citizens.



The new Eco Products of Recycling
Eco-Smart Box®
It represents a new generation eco-compactor designed for optimising the collection and concentration of several high-value strategic services, such as:
- Separate colelction of multiple products
- Digital collection measurement system, in the various types of product
- Publication of Advertising schedules
Today it represents the most advanced solution on the market, at the most competitive price.
It is an innovative form of advertising on video on the Eco Smart Box® and on the Eco-APP® aimed at:
- Raise consumer awareness of respect for the environment
- Promote eco-susteinable products
- Promote Brands that move towards Eco-sustainability
- Publish information and events on the territory that move in the spirit of Eco-Sustainability
It represents an innovative Advertising system for the testimony of the commitment of producers and distributors towards Eco-sustainability. Today it is also the most advanced solution on the market, at the most competitive price.
It is an App (native iOS and Android) specifically designed to provide the following services to the Eco Community®:
- Manage the Community of Eco Utenti®
- Manage the Eco Utenti® reward system
- Also offer gramification services for Eco Utenti® within the App
- Replicate the Advertising promoted on the Eco Smart Box®
- Manage Cash Back systems
- Connection to Social Network
It represents the best technology for the management of this problem on the app today.
The Stakeholders
The new Green Mayor Project is aimed at a plurality of actors, operating in both the public and private sectors. Within the public network, it is possible to identify a lot of Eco Compactor owners (municipalities, local authorities, public subsidiaries, etc.), who can also manage them in multiple ways (sharing of several owners belonging to the same geographical area). Instead, within the private network, we find mono-owners of Eco Compactors which can be companies operating in large-scale distribution and in ski centres.
Among the main Stakeholders involved we find:
- People, involved in separate waste collection;
- Raw Material, companies that recycle plastic bottles;
- Packaging Manufacturing, companies that make containers for food;
- F&B Brand, brands (national and international) of products related to both food and beverage;
- Owner's Waste - Consortiums, companies that own the waste that collect it and resell it to Raw Materials.

Business Model
Private Network
- Rental of Eco Smart Box®
- Sale of accessory services to the Eco Smart Box® (assistance, maintenance etc.)
- Sale of Eco Advertising® on local schedules
- Branding
- Resale of Plastic collection
- Contribution for Eco Smart Box® from Raw Material
Public Network
- Rental of Eco Smart Box®
- Sale of accessory services to the Eco Smart Box® (assistance, maintenance etc.)
- Sale of Eco Advertising® on local schedules
- Branding
- Resale of Plastic collection
- Contribution for Eco Smart Box® from Raw Material
- Download the Eco App®
- Additional Advertising from Eco Smart Box® network, both public and private
- Cashback
- Selling Profiles/Social Marketing